Use Cases

Discover the ways Piper AI Leadership Coach unlocks leadership potential.

Piper for businesses

Leadership development programs often focus on knowledge transfer rather than application, causing leaders to revert to old behaviours. With Piper, you can seamlessly integrate learning into the workflow, effectively measuring each individual’s leadership development journey.

Real-life Leadership Training

Deliver leadership training in the flow of work. 70% of leadership skills are acquired in real-life. With Piper you can build high performing teams by seamlessly integrating leadership training into daily tasks. Increase knowledge retention and reduce scrap learning.

Establish Psychologically Safe Environments

Establish psychologically safe environments. Piper helps your organization foster a supportive and secure workplace by training your leaders to become more empathetic. Create a positive impact on team performance, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard.

Consistent Management

Ensures consistent leadership across your organization by providing real-time feedback and insights to all managers. It standardizes leadership practices and fosters a cohesive company culture.

Piper for managers

Piper is your personal leadership coach. Gain insights into how you are performing as a manager and leader. Know where to spend your time and energy. Develop your skills and confidence with every 1:1

Get that Promotion Faster

Unlock your full leadership potential with Piper AI—your personal leadership coach that guides and supports you to become the leader your team raves about. Get personalized feedback on your communication, coaching, feedback and phycological safety skills.

Let AI Handle Your Admin

Struggling to remember past conversations? Piper has you covered with auto-generated action items and meeting summaries. This feature streamlines follow-ups and helps you stay focused, boosting your productivity and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Leadership Skills are Learned in Real-Life

70% of leadership skills are developed through real-world experiences. Piper helps you listen, learn, and grow by providing tailored insights based on your unique interactions. This personalized feedback ensures you refine your leadership abilities where it matters most—during actual team engagements.

Become One of the Top Leaders

Piper is designed based on Google's Project Oxygen principles, ensuring you benefit from top-tier leadership practices. By blending behavioral science with advanced AI technology, Piper serves as your ultimate coach, offering personalized guidance and insights right at your fingertips.

Piper for leadership coaches

70% of leadership skills are developed through real-world experience. With Piper AI your clients can practice their new learned leadership skills and see results faster.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Add more value to your coaching practice, by offering your clients a tool that combines AI with behavioural science to elevate their leadership skills. This valuable resource keeps your coaching offerings fresh and relevant, ensuring that both you and your clients remain at the forefront of leadership innovation.

Client’s Performance Tracking

By monitoring clients' progress in real-time, Piper provides valuable insights into their leadership development journey. Piper identifies performance gaps to drive continuous improvement. Easily track your clients' growth, ensuring they receive the support they need to achieve their leadership goals.

Give the Opportunity to Practise the Learned Skills

Piper AI Leadership Coach offers clients a unique opportunity to put their learned skills into practise and reinforce their coaching techniques. By integrating Piper into training sessions, clients can actively apply and hone their skills in real-time scenarios.

Provide Performance Reports

Showcase your clients their progress by generating performance reports, Piper enhances the credibility of your leadership programs. This data-driven approach not only demonstrates the value of your coaching efforts but also helps in making informed decisions for continuous improvement.

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