In the manager’s chair: August
August 22, 2024

In the manager’s chair: August

Welcome to our August feature of In The Manager's Chair, a monthly magazine where we share management tips from experienced leaders and leadership coaches. 🌟

⁠⁠In focus this month- Advice for new & starting managers 💛⁠

New Manager Survival Guide: Tips from Seasoned Leaders

We know that stepping into a management role is both exhilarating and daunting. The thrill of new responsibilities is often tempered by the challenges of guiding a team, making decisions, and finding your footing as a leader. But don’t worry- you’re not alone! 

We’ve gathered insights from seasoned managers and leadership coaches to help you navigate this new chapter with confidence. For the August feature of In The Manager’s Chair, we have spoken to 3 experienced leaders to ask for some advice and guidance for new and starting managers. 

🌟Featured this month 🌟

Naz Delam

Naz is a people-oriented leader who is heavily invested in mentorship, coaching and developing high performance teams.
With over 10 years of experience in distributed systems software development, she has a passion for creating innovative and scalable solutions.
She works as a career coach at MentorCruise, where she mentors and guides aspiring and experienced software engineers, architects, and managers. 

Michael OBrien

Michael is an experienced executive coach, speaker and author with over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry.
He helps leaders and teams drive better results by changing lives through trusted executive leadership and teamwork.
He shares his insights and strategies in his book Shift, and in his keynote speeches, workshops and podcasts.

Amber Skinner-Jozefson

Amber is a distinguished leader, recognized for her achievements in the Women In Fintech Powerlist 2023.
She is the CEO of a digital receipt app e.pop, and a spokesperson on inspirational management.

🧘#1 Breathe on Your First Day

Hey, it’s totally okay to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re not expected to have it all figured out from day one. Managing a team isn’t something you just know how to do. It takes time, practice, and a lot of learning along the way. Mistakes? They’re going to happen, and that’s all part of the process. So don’t stress if things don’t go perfectly right away. Just take it one step at a time and give yourself the space to learn as you go. You’ve got this!

As a new manager, it's crucial to focus on your team rather than yourself. Shift your mindset from worrying about how you're being judged to how you can best support and uplift your team. By prioritising their success over your own ego, you'll earn respect and lead with integrity. When you keep your team at the centre of your decisions, everything else will naturally fall into place.

“Management is a continuous learning journey. It's okay not to have all the answers right away.
Approach every challenge with curiosity and an open mind..“

- Naz Delam

💡Tips from seasoned leaders:

Michael OBrien

  • Celebrate the small wins and lessons gained through difficult moments.

Naz Delam

  • Don't be afraid to seek guidance from mentors and peers.
  • Invest time in getting to know each team member, understanding their strengths, aspirations, and areas for development.

🧷 #2 Foster psychological safety

When it comes to leading a team, creating a space where everyone feels safe to speak up is the most important thing. It’s about making sure your team knows they can share ideas, ask questions, and even make mistakes without fear. Building this kind of trust takes time, but it’s worth the effort. When your team feels supported and valued, they’ll be more engaged and willing to contribute. So, take the time to listen, really listen, and let your team know they’re in a safe place to grow and collaborate.

“Don't listen to reply. Rather listen to connect and understand”

- Michael OBrien

💡Tips from seasoned leaders:

Michael OBrien

  • Engage the team by co-creating how to reach your goals
  • Celebrate and learn from mistakes because they can be the source of growth
  • Create a compelling vision or why for the future

Naz Delam

  • Encourage open communication, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas. Celebrate diversity and inclusivity,
    and ensure that everyone feels like an integral part of the team.
  • Invest in your team's professional development by offering training, workshops, and mentorship opportunities.

⛔ #3 Avoiding common pitfalls

No one’s perfect, especially when you’re just starting out as a manager. But there are a few common traps that are easy to fall into if you’re not careful. Whether it’s avoiding tough conversations or trying to handle everything on your own, these habits can create more problems down the line. The good news? You can steer clear of these pitfalls by staying proactive, being open, and addressing issues head-on. Remember, it's all about learning and improving, so don’t be afraid to tackle challenges as they come. You’ll be better for it, and so will your team.

Two biggest "No-Nos" for new managers:

  • Avoiding difficult conversations and delaying issue resolution: It's crucial to address conflicts and poor performance promptly.
    New managers should avoid waiting too long to tackle problems directly, as it can undermine their authority and team effectiveness.
  • Saying "yes" too much to avoid being disliked: Being a strong leader means making tough decisions
    and sometimes saying "no" when it's in the best interest of the team or the organisation.

“Address issues promptly and constructively, focusing on solutions
rather than assigning blame.” 

- Naz Delam

💡Tips from seasoned leaders:

Michael Obrien

  • During chaotic times, be clear
  • Avoid being too direct. Be curious instead.
  • Don't go behind people's backs. If you have something to say, say it to their face.

Naz Delam

  • Approach difficult conversations with honesty and empathy.
  • Focus on solutions rather than assigning blame.
  • Encourage a feedback culture and show your team that their opinions matter
    by considering their input and making improvements.

⚒️ #4 Redefining Work Life Balance

As a new manager, it can feel like you have to be “on” all the time, but that’s a quick road to burnout. The truth is, work-life balance isn’t about splitting your time perfectly—it’s about finding a rhythm that works for you. Sure, there will be busy moments, but it’s important to set boundaries and make time for yourself too. Don’t feel like you have to prove yourself by taking on more than you can handle. Instead, focus on what really matters, and give yourself permission to step back and recharge when you need to. Balance isn’t a myth—you just have to figure out what it looks like for you.

“First time managers have an opportunity to define
what work-life balance means to them and identify
steps they can take to honor it.”

- Michael OBrien

💡Tips from seasoned leaders:

Naz Delam

  • Set Priorities: Focus on what is truly important and urgent.
  • Establish Boundaries: Clearly define your work hours and make time for personal activities and rest.
  • Leverage Support Systems: Seek support from mentors, peers, and your own team.

Amber Skinner-Jozefson

  • I assemble my personal and professional "advisory committee" (which is, in essence,
    friends and colleagues to whom I can go to for honest advice, feedback and support). I also make sure to exercise.
  • I suggest to young professionals that they maintain a "Win" folder where they keep all of the positive feedback,
    compliments, and evidence of a success or job well done that they can refer to when the inevitable setback arrives.

🪷 #5 Pause, Breathe, Reflect

In the hustle of managing a team, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant go, go, go. But sometimes, the best thing you can do is hit the pause button. Take a moment to breathe and reflect on what’s going well and what could use some work. It’s not just about getting things done—it’s about making sure you’re growing as a leader and helping your team grow too. Those moments of reflection can make all the difference in how you lead and how your team thrives.

“Mistakes will happen. Put your people first and let that be your North Star.”

- Amber Skinner-Jozefson

Remember, you don’t need to have all the answers right away. Focus on learning, growing, and supporting your team. Take things one step at a time, and don’t forget to breathe and reflect along the way. Leadership is all about growth, both for you and your team, so embrace the journey- even when it gets tough. You’ve got this!

👉 Access more free resources from Piper

- Want to take a free assessment to find out your management strengths and areas to improve? It only takes 5 minutes:

- Read more advice for new managers on 4 Useful Hack for New Managers: 

- How Piper Bot Works - A Guide: